Our Anniversary 2015

Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary!  The first anniversary we actually got to spend together.  It was amazing!  We went out to eat at the Melting Pot, a place we both hadn't gone to and were excited to go.  He actually surprised me with reservations there (I had no idea where we were going) and the table was set up with roses and rose petals in a secluded booth.  Totally cheesy and romantic, but it was perfect for us to have an actually date date.  The Melting Pot is actually an unique experience  because you're sort of the chef at some parts.  They spin the cheese fondue of your choosing for you and you take these little forks and dip all sorts of things in it that they bring you like veggies and bread!  Same thing with the dessert,  except they bring you dessert things like fruits and mini cake/ brownie pieces, sooooo amazeballs.  You pick an entree and a broth to cook them in and they supply you with the raw meat, sides, and various dipping sauces and instruct you on how long to cool your meat for and they let you go to do your thing.  It was quite an experience which is what you're paying for.  Definitely worth saving up and splurging for a romantic date out with your spouse.  After that we headed to the movies to see Jupiter Ascending.  We're total nerds so why not end our date with a good sci-fi movie, aha!  It was cool.  The special effects were off the charts in my opinion and the story was interesting.  The actions scenes did have us overwhelmed (saw it in 3D) but in a good way.  Overall, I loved our city romantic date.  Happy Anniversary to us honey!


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