Our Anniversary 2015

Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary!  The first anniversary we actually got to spend together.  It was amazing!  We went out to eat at the Melting Pot, a place we both hadn't gone to and were excited to go.  He actually surprised me with reservations there (I had no idea where we were going) and the table was set up with roses and rose petals in a secluded booth.  Totally cheesy and romantic, but it was perfect for us to have an actually date date.  The Melting Pot is actually an unique experience  because you're sort of the chef at some parts.  They spin the cheese fondue of your choosing for you and you take these little forks and dip all sorts of things in it that they bring you like veggies and bread!  Same thing with the dessert,  except they bring you dessert things like fruits and mini cake/ brownie pieces, sooooo amazeballs.  You pick an entree and a broth to cook them in and they supply you with the raw meat, sides, and various dipping sauces and instruct you on how long to cool your meat for and they let you go to do your thing.  It was quite an experience which is what you're paying for.  Definitely worth saving up and splurging for a romantic date out with your spouse.  After that we headed to the movies to see Jupiter Ascending.  We're total nerds so why not end our date with a good sci-fi movie, aha!  It was cool.  The special effects were off the charts in my opinion and the story was interesting.  The actions scenes did have us overwhelmed (saw it in 3D) but in a good way.  Overall, I loved our city romantic date.  Happy Anniversary to us honey!

Anthro Inspiration (and that Super Bowl finish)

Regardless of what team you root for, the Super Bowl was awesome.  Katy Perry's halftime show, with Kravitz and Missy was dazzling (giant tiger ya'll, and dancing sharks...).  I felt myself holding my breath at the last 2 minutes of the game and when that game changing interception happened, the entire house exploded with our chant, "aaaaaAAAHHHH swim brah, wooooshhh!" and screaming at the top of our lungs.  The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl!  I grew up watching the Patriots (my dad is from New Hampshire so they are our family football team) and my husband's dad likes the patriots also, so last night's win was a proud moment for us as a family.  If they lost, I'm sure there would have been tears (we had also consumed some alcohol so the game was an emotional one just for that fact alone, ahah). So the start to a lovely month was an exciting one.  What's more exciting is Dunkin Donut's new white chocolate raspberry latte.  It's delicious and the smell, my gosh, is perfect alone.

Anyways, I've come up with some lovely finds from Anthropologie for this month's wish list.  :)

I absolutely love pretty things.  I can not wait to have an office space of my own one day so I can decorate it the way that I want to.  Those shadowbox frames are beautiful and the chandelier looks like it would give any room a whimsical feel to it.

Which piece if your favorite?


Protein Packed Banana, Greek Yogurt Pancakes

I love finding healthy recipes for breakfast food because breakfast food is sort of my comfort food group.  Who can resist a good pancake?  These pancakes are so filling and have more protein than the regular 1 banana, 2 eggs protein pancakes floating around the internet.  I added some sprinkles into mine as a celebration to myself for finally getting back into a workout routine so while they are not necessary, sprinkles are awesome anyways.  Sprinkles are for winners.

Protein Packed Banana, Greek Yogurt Pancakes

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats (100% whole wheat)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 4 tablespoons non fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth.
  2. Coat pan with light butter or cooking spray and heat to medium-low heat.
  3. Drop batter onto pan and cook until bubbles form on top, flip.
  4. Repeat.
You can of course top with whatever you want (fruits, whipped cream, syrup, etc.) mind you, the entire batter counts for around 400 calories.  Enjoy and be healthy!

Modspiration: Date Dresses

It's almost February which means it's time for some loving!  February is a special month for me and my husband.  It'll be our 2nd anniversary on the 7th (exactly one week before valentine's day, aha!) and this year I wanted to something a little different.  I love getting dressed up but we don't really do anything to warrant such preparation.  We usually have movie dates which includes fast food eatery since we're rushing to get back home (we don't like to bother our parents to babysit).  I want our 2nd anniversary to be something special too since he was in basic training for our first anniversary.  I'm thinking a fancy dinner and an opportunity to get dressed up for once would be nice.  I was looking around ModCloth and found these beautiful dresses that inspire my anniversary/valentine's date wardrobe.

I really like the red one and the black one.  Which one is your favorite?

1/ 2/ 3/ 4

Editing and...editing.

I am spending most of my day editing and it's the worst because my stomach hurts.  It's all twisted in knots.  I may just crawl back in bed with my tiny human and watch cartoons all day.  Is that acceptable?
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